This would be
Ayinger Oktoberfest-Marzen, in a lovely 500 ml bottle.
The beer was quite refreshing with my lunch, of left-over pizza. The only knock against it would be a slight metallic taste I picked up, but very good overall.
If I left it at that, it'd get 7/10. What boosts this to 8/10 is the bottle cap.
You say, "What the hell? What is so special that it makes a beer score jump a point?" Well, my friends, this beer is the proud owner of the most beautiful beer cap I have ever seen. Judge for yourself:

I love the artwork on this cap, and honestly think it is worthy of the higher score.
Now, on to more
dangerous things... Like another candidate for the
Most Dangerous Beer of 2011!
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:
Guinness Black Lager.
First, I pulled it from the fridge, and poured it in my favorite pilsner glass.

Second, I observed that, while this beer is from St. James's Gate, it's not quite black, just a supremely dark brown.

Third, the aroma is devoid of hopping, but does display a nice chocolate roast that carries through on the tongue.

Fourth, I find it helpful to read the label, especially when directed to drink right out of the bottle. Really? What will that demonstrate? That I can pound these like Miller Lites? Please!

I wish I had a fifth point... Well, Diageo, heeding your advice (that is, read the back label); I started drinking from the bottle, and yeah, this sure is a smooth beer.

You know that base-6 math is pretty cool? Man these are some great cheese puffs that Trader Joes makes. Theryer rich and cheesy. and ruch; sooo good. I wish there was anorther bottle.

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