(Text courtesy of Maryland Homebrew)
Brewers Association of Maryland has requested that beer enthusiasts take action to support legislation beneficial to the state's small brewers and beer consumers.
Please read the following information provided by the Brewers Association of Maryland.
The Brewers Association of Maryland is asking for your help in supporting three bills that are the subject of committee hearings in the next couple of days.
Calling your elected officials is easy. A staffer will answer the phone. Tell the staffer your name and where you're from and tell him/her why you're calling and why the issue is important to you. he/she will thank you for your call and that's it. There's nothing to it. It will only take you a minute or two, but it makes all the difference.
- Stott Noble, Homebrewer
On Friday afternoon, February 24, the Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee will hear Senate Bill 579 which creates a farm brewery license. Beer brewed under this new license would be required to contain agricultural ingredients grown on the farm and license holders would be able to offer samples of their beer and sell that beer into the distribution network, both in and out of state.
On Monday, February 27, the House Economic Matters Committee will consider House Bill 1126, which is identical to Senate Bill 579 above, and House Bill 1127 which allows a pub-brewery or a micro-brewery license holder to provide samples, operate a second location in the state and self-distribute their beer on a limited basis.
Please contact the following committee members as soon as possible and ask them to support the bills before their committees.
Let them know that these bills provide a real opportunity for Maryland’s small brewers to grow, to create more jobs in Maryland communities and to offer an increased variety of beers to consumers.
Supporting these bills supports Maryland small businesses, Maryland agriculture and tourism in the state.
Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee – Senate Bill 579
Chairwoman Joan Carter Conway -- joan.carter.conway@senate.state.md.us
Senator James C. Rosapepe -- jim.rosapepe@senate.state.md.us
Senator Karen S. Montgomery -- karen.montgomery@senate.state.md.us
Senator Bill Ferguson -- bill.ferguson@senate.state.md.us
Senator Bryan W. Simonaire -- bryan.simonaire@senate.state.md.us
Senator Edward R. Reilly -- edward.reilly@senate.state.md.us
Senator J. B. Jennings -- jb.jennings@senate.state.md.us
Senator Joanne Claybon Benson -- joanne.benson@senate.state.md.us
Senator Paul G. Pinsky -- paul.pinsky@senate.state.md.us
Senator Ron Young -- ronald.young@senate.state.md.us
Senator Roy P. Dyson -- roy.dyson@senate.state.md.us
House Economic Matters Committee, Alcoholic Beverages Subcommittee -- House Bills 1126/1127
Chairman Charles Barkley -- Charles.Barkley@house.state.md.us
Delegate Brian McHale -- Brian.McHale@house.state.md.us
Delegate Dereck Davis -- Dereck.Davis@house.state.md.us
Delegate Donna Stifler -- Donna.Stifler@house.state.md.us
Delegate Hattie Harrison -- Hattie.Harrison@house.state.md.us
Delegate Joseph Minnick -- Joseph.Minnick@house.state.md.us
Delegate MaryAnn Love -- MaryAnn.Love@house.state.md.us
Delegate Rick Impallaria -- Rick.Impallaria@house.state.md.us
Delegate Warren Miller -- Warren.Miller@house.state.md.us
Thank you and cheers,
Mike Franklin, President
Brewers Association of Maryland

Thanks for your support of Maryland’s small brewers.
Charlie Papazian
Brewers Association

Gary Glass
American Homebrewers Association