Sunday, August 7, 2011

Back in the saddle!

Tis the season for Saison!

After a nearly 3 year hiatus, I fired up the stove, threw a bunch of grain in a sack, mashed it up, started a boil, tossed in some Hallertau and some Saaz, and buttoned it all up to the tune of 1.062 (1.065 target).

I found the most simple recipe from Briess' website: Create-a-Brew.

I want to thank the following people for riding my tail to get out and do this again:
  • my wife
  • my parents, especially Papi
  • my friends Jeff, Jon, Ron and Steve
  • my neighbors Darrell and Jeff
  • and Don, my coworker/cobrewer.
I want to give a special thanks to the crew at The Brewing Network, Jamil Zainasheff and Sean Z. Paxton.

Without their encouragement who knows how long I would have gone without brewing.

...begs the question, who's going to be here for bottling day? :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my mobile

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