She pours a lively straw-honey color with just a bit of haze. Sitting firmly on top is a dense, rocky white head, that leaves gobs of lacing as the pint is drained.
My nose was served with a triple entente of Centennial, Chinook and Colombus. (I think.) It is a wonderful medley of citrus hops.
And do those Chinook hops slap you around when you sip. Not only do you get slapped, but the bready and sweet notes from the malt come through, with an extraordinary, and appropriate, dry finish.
I've read reviews where folks say the yeast is present in the nose, or at very first sip. I don't get the typical yeastiness, but I do get the wonderful layering of spiciness that can only come from a Belgian strain.
Overall, this is an excellent experiment, and worth your time seeking.
Overall, 9/10.
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