Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Venerable Bede 2: Sorghum Strikes Back

So, maybe I was a tad unfair to Bard's Gluten-free Sorghum Ale...

I said to myself, "you paid for it, go drink it", which I did.

Cause on the right, effect on the left.

To be fair, the session was split across 2 days. I would never advocate binge drinking; it's reckless and stupid.

I poured the Venerable Bede...um, Bard, into one of my Boston Beer Co. Turbolator glasses, to help form the beer, and took a long draught from it. I found caramel, biscuit and a bit of "earth". The finish, though, remained that bizarre alcoholic/astringenty dryness that just can't be shaken off. Shame. I also found no hops, but I'd be willing to bet they were in the brew.

Upon further examination (read: reading the label) it states the sorghum is malted. That's pretty keen.

From my previous review of this beer, to this one, I'm gonna have to grade it 6/10. And I think that may be just a touch generous.

Again, if you suffer from Celiac disease, you may be able to look no further to quench your thirst- this may float your boat, once you get accustomed to the finish.

- Posted using BlogPress from my mobile

Location:The kitchen

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